Established in 1997
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Scientists Training Course "Harnessing basic and clinical science research in diabetes to make the greatest impact"
EASD will hold its 30th Scientists Training Course in Leicester, United Kingdom from 27th-31st October 2024, with the objective of promoting new talents in the field of diabetes research and fostering diabetes research in centres throughout the world. Criteria and eligibility for acceptance to the course include: any member of EASD who is still under the age of 40 on 1st January 2024 and who can communicate fluently in English (in which the Scientists Training Course will be conducted).
Deadline: Monday 24th June 2024
Multi-lingual adult social care provision in Hertfordshire
North Hertfordshire Day Services (part of Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services) for older people, people with disabilities and Dementia is multi-lingual and supports individuals and families who are Italian-speaking and of Italian heritage among several other non-UK languages spoken widely across Hertfordshire and neighbouring counties.
LABORO LAWYERS | Nuovo IMSoGB Corporate Member
Laboro Lawyers è una Law Firm specializzata in Diritto del lavoro. Dal nostro ufficio a Kensington High Street forniamo la nostra assistenza legale ai datori di lavoro e ai dipendenti Italiani che vivono e lavorano in Inghilterra. Il nostro team comprende, entrambi in qualità di Directors, Marc Jones che è classificato e consigliato in pubblicazioni legali come uno dei più eminenti lawyers inglesi di diritto del lavoro e Giuseppe Foti, un capace e affermato specialist employment lawyer di madrelingua italiana.
There is compelling evidence that in patients with cardiovascular disease, and in subjects with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular events, comprehensive risk factor management result in improved clinical outcomes, including increased survival and improved quality of life. Several studies have demonstrated that multiple risk factors have a major impact on the general population and that their multimodal modification will decrease incidence of coronary heart disease.
Despite improved knowledge in recent years and useful clinical guidelines issued by International societies, the vast majority of patients and individuals at risk are not adequately treated. There are many reasons for this including different social, financial, and health care conditions in different countries.
The workshop, aimed at practicing specialist cardiologists and internal medicine specialists, will endeavor to provide the pathophysiological basis for a better understanding of currently proposed treatments and preventative measures. The attendees will be updated on the importance of novel risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and innovative approaches to improve treatment and prevention. Experts will discuss current International guidelines and ways of applying their recommendations to patients in everyday clinical practice. It is expected that attendees will gain insight into modern assessment of patient cardiovascular risk, prevention and management strategies in IHD, stroke and atrial fibrillation.
Presentazione del libro "Pensaci Prima" al Consolato Generale d'Italia
Il 29 Gennaio il Consolato Generale d’Italia a Londra, in collaborazione con l'Associazione di Volontariato "Mondoitaliano", sarà l'epicentro di un evento molto interessante. Domenico Bellantone, Console Generale d'Italia a Londra, insieme al rappresentante dell'Associazione "Mondoitaliano", avv. Alessandro Gaglione, ospiteranno la presentazione del libro "Pensaci Prima", un vero e proprio viaggio nella Medicina di Precisione e nella Nutrizione Funzionale.
Il libro sarà presentato dall'autrice stessa, la dottoressa Sara Farnetti, una figura di spicco nel campo della Medicina Interna. Dotata di un doppio dottorato, uno in Fisiopatologia della Nutrizione e del Metabolismo e l'altro in Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie Alimentari, la dottoressa Farnetti è pronta a condividere le sue esperienze.
L'evento, che avrà luogo presso il Consolato Generale d’Italia a Londra, situato in Harp House, inizierà alle ore 18. La serata sarà moderata da Lorenzo Garagnani, il Presidente dell’Italian Medical Society of Great Britain.
Il rientro dei cervelli in Italia
Invited Lecture | Il rientro dei cervelli in Italia
Prof. Sergio Bonini
Cervelli che vanno, Cervelli che tornano…..
… a proposito di cervelli che vanno… non ricordo..
…il mio quando è scappato?…..
… non ricordo…..
parafrasando da Dario Vergassola
Mediterranean diet, type 2 diabetes prevention and healthy ageing: Do we need more evidence?
Dr Giuseppe Maltese, IMSoGB board member and Prof Richard Siow, Director of Ageing Research at King’s, comment on the Mediterranean diet for prevention of type 2 diabetes and healthy ageing and ask whether supporting a Mediterranean diet is worthwhile. Accumulating clinical evidence shows that the benefits related to this diet are robust and adoption will potentially translate into reduced risk and prevalence of type 2 diabetes, improve healthy longevity and significantly lower personal and societal health care expenditures.
European Society of Preventive Medicine - ARK Partnership Launch
We are delighted to announce the new partnership between Ageing Research at King's (ARK) and the European Society of Preventive Medicine (ESPM). To launch the partnership, ARK and ESPM will be hosting a joint symposium at the Science Gallery, Guy's Hospital Campus, on Wednesday 27 September 2023. All welcome but registration is required through Eventbrite (link above).
‘Why Our Future Health will change the future of diabetes in the UK’
Colette Marshall, Director of Operations at Diabetes UK, explains why she’s so passionate about our research and how it can help people with diabetes
“Italy Made Me” Awards 2023- Invitation to apply (deadline: 31 August 2023)
The Embassy of Italy in London invites applications for the annual Italy Made Me award for researchers in the early stages of their career, who are based in the UK and who completed part or all of their studies in Italy. The deadline for applications is 31 August 2023.
This edition is organized with the support of David Y Mason Foundation, DottoreLondon, Il Circolo, Pirelli, Trenitalia UK.